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Project Wild Thing Summer Camp

What will happen if we raise a generation of children completely out of touch with nature?

Drowning in the advent of screens and social media we have forgotten that we are natural animals with the privilege of an awesome wonder product all around us! 

Project Wild Thing began as a nationwide campaign to get British children outside, away from screens and engaged in nature. A report from Natural England (2009) found that fewer than 10% of children play in wild places, compared with 40% a generation ago. The distance children roam away from home has shrunk by 90% in 30 years. Children don't play outside nearly as much as they once did.

And yet child wellbeing in the developed world has been rapidly decreasing over the last ten years. Children across the developed world stay indoors more and this has a direct link to the decline in mental health.

Inside Out Forest School’s Project Wild Thing Summer camp is on a mission to rewild childhood!

Project Wild Thing Summer Camp 2019


Pickwood (Ballington) Woods, Off Ladydale, Leek ST13 5SB

Weekdays 19th-30th August (excl bank holiday Monday)
9am - 4pm 
Booking opens Monday 1st July 9am
Book Your Place


Gnat Hole Farm, Hague Street, Glossop SK13 8NS

Weekdays 29th July - 9th August
9am - 4pm
Booking opens Monday 1st July 9am
Book Your Place


Suitable for adventurous 5-11 year olds
Max 30 kids per session
Advance booking is essential
Bring a picnic lunch and don’t forget your wellies!

Additional Information below


10% discount when booking 3 or more days!
£25 per day
1st sibling £20
2nd sibling £15

Inside Out workshops include:

den building
campfire snacks
forest games
using tools
bug hunting
tree identification
relaxing in hammocks
mindfulness in nature
environmental arts & crafts
a NEW 'chill out' bell tent & more

Additional Information

Our instructors are Forest School trained, have fully enhanced DBS checks, are outdoor first aid trained with an emphasis on child first aid, and are qualified in food safety and catering. All our activities are risk assessed.

Whatever the weather children will need suitable outdoor clothing and appropriate footwear. Waterproof jacket, boots or wellies, long trousers (waterproof trousers are recommended) and long-sleeved tops are required in all weathers due to brambles, nettles and biting insects. Insect repellent and sun cream may be required.

Children do not need to be accompanied at our holiday club. Parental consent form will be emailed to you to bring on the day but we will have spares to fill out if you forget.

Refreshments and snacks provided but please bring a packed lunch.

How to find us: 

Leek: Pickwood (Ballington) Woods, off the Ladydale Estate, Leek ST13 5SB.  
Directions: Enter the Ladydale Estate onto Ashenhurst Way, drive to the very bottom where you'll see a public footpath just before the start of the new housing estate. It will be signposted. We will be waiting to greet you there.

For Holiday Camps ONLY drop off
Gnat Hole Farm, Hague Street , SK13 8NS (You can access this Hague street pick up point from Whitfield or Derbyshire Level, map below).

Directions: Drop off and pick up point: There is NO parking within the Forest school site as there is only a small dirt track that leads to the farm. Therefore, for our holiday camps only (rather than 30 kids getting dropped off on Chunal Lane) we please ask you to meet us half way up Hague Street (before it turns into Kidd Road and then leads to Derbyshire Level). There is a little walled area with a memorial bench inside it. This is situated opposite ‘Lane Ends Farm’. We will place our banners here (so you can spot us easily) and members of our staff will be here to meet your children. We will then walk the children down a public footpath next to this spot, that leads to our ‘upper base camp’.
At pick up time we will all walk together from our base camp to meet parents at the end of the lane for 4pm.

