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Forest School First Aid Course

For Forest School Programmes, Silver Fox Training delivers a Forest School First Aid course that follows the ITC modular framework. The course is aimed at those working with children (1 year olds and upwards) and adults in an outdoor setting.


3rd Glossop Scout Group
49 Hope Street
SK13 7SB


Saturday 22nd Feb 2020
11am - 6:30pm

Sunday 23rd Feb 2020
9am - 6:30pm


£125 per person for a 2-day course

How to Book

Please click the button below to proceed to our Online Booking Page.
Book your slot!

Course Details

Day 1 : will be indoors to allow candidates to acquire the techniques
Day 2 : will be more outdoors to allow candidates to become more skilful at the techniques.

Course Content

Module 1: Emergency Action

This ITC course is a lifesaver course giving participants basic lifesaving emergency techniques. All elements deal with adult and child protocols and are supported by a 1st aid manual. Module 1 takes place indoors and candidates are continually assessed on competency.

Core Contents

  • Vital Signs
  • Dealing with incidents safely
  • A systematic approach to incident management
  • Collapse - causes and treatment
  • Monitoring Vital Signs
  • CPR Resuscitation procedures.  (adult/child)
  • Heart attacks
  • Choking  (adult/child, conscious/unconscious)
  • External and Internal bleeding. (minor and major wounds)
  • Dressing and Bandaging
  • Conscious and Unconscious bleeding incidents
  • Shock, (signs/symptoms and treatment)

Module 2 Outdoor Incident Management

The second day builds on the ‘Emergency Action’ content and continues to cover the needs of the Forest School Practitioner award in an outdoor setting. Candidates are continually assessed on competency.

Core Contents

Module 1 - ‘Emergency Action’ content (as above) +
Module 2 -  ‘Outdoor Incident Management’
  • Soft and Hard tissue injuries
  • Head, neck and other serious injuries
  • Handling injured casualties
  • Hypothermia and Hyperthermia
  • Burns and scalds
  • Poisoning including bites and stings and anaphylaxis
  • Eye injuries
  • Common medical emergencies and illnesses
  • Outdoor incident management scenarios
  • Remote improvised techniques
The two courses are delivered by trainers with experience and commitment to working with groups in the outdoor environment and forest School programmes.

Silver Fox Training Ltd will provide:

  • Instruction, Registration, Course manuals and Certificates.
  • All resources such as Flip chart, Projector, Screen, Manikins etc

Candidates should be prepared for the following:

  • The course is an active course so casual comfortable clothes is required. For day one and day two, elements of the course will take place outside so candidates will need suitable outdoor clothing to cope with the prevailing conditions (bearing in mind candidates will spend time lying on the ground being casualties)
  • As these are active and practical courses candidates need to be aware of their own safety especially when kneeling. Also candidates need to be aware of their backs when lifting or simply sitting up.

What to bring

  • Food (packed lunch/snacks) and drink – (Tea and Coffee will be provided)
  • Appropriate outdoor clothing for both days. We shall be outside for some of the time on the second day. We suggest waterproof jacket and trousers, warm clothes and hat/gloves
  • Appropriate outdoor footwear
  • Medication – personal medication as well as insect repellent/suncream

Book your slot!
