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Sponsor a Child at Summer Camp

The start of 2020 was a challenging time for our business, but we managed to ride the storm, flourish and grow throughout the pandemic, mainly due to the fact that we offered outdoor sessions and events to the public.

Over Lock down we also worked in many schools with key worker’ children, vulnerable children and the ‘most at need’ groups. However, the closure of schools has, for many, removed not only an environment for learning but a place for children to socialise and develop emotionally.

With the Covid-19 pandemic threatening to leave a devastating legacy for younger generations, as the concerningly labelled “victims of the virus”, our children are experiencing alarming rates of mental health problems as the result of isolation, loneliness, sleep problems and reduced physical activity. The NSPCC has stated that the amount of counselling for loneliness provided by its Childline service has risen by 10% since the pandemic started.

What Will We Do?

This summer, Inside Out has developed a creative solution to help with the recovery of children’s well-being caused by the national lockdown restrictions. We will be giving away FREE child places on our summer holiday camps to children from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds, children who are young carers and children who have been the most affected with their mental health by the pandemic. We will be working with local schools and their Headteachers in Glossop and Leek to identify children who would most benefit from being at our camps.

Why Forest School Can Help

The Importance of Outdoor Play

Studies have proven that outdoor play is particularly beneficial during times of anxiety, stress and adversity. It helps children to process experiences that they find difficult to understand through positive social interactions in nature.

Develop Key Skills

Here at Inside Out we enthuse that “Forest school encourages children to develop key skills in resilience, confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in our woodlands to help them become independent and creative learners”.

Access to Outside Space

Unfortunately, not all children have access to their own garden or outside space. Inside Out Forest School recognises that if the gap between the most fortunate and disadvantaged children is to be closed, rectifying this must be part of the solution.

The Freedom of the Forest

The freedom of the forest actually provides a sense of control and could bridge the gap between months social isolation and confinement indoors with safe reintegration to normal living for children who have become fearful of life beyond their front doors.

Community and Relationships

With creation, friends and a shared community to enrich your mind and your outlook and to build supportive and relatable relationships.

What can you do to help?

Fund a day at a Forest School Summer Camp
Local businesses across Tameside and the High Peak are being offered the opportunity to fund a day at a Forest School Summer Camp in Glossop and Leek for a child following the governments “move outdoors if you can” advice.

Summer camp activities
Summer Camps are suitable for adventurous children aged 5-12 years with activities including den building, bush craft, bug hunting, nature arts and crafts, relaxing in hammocks and mindfulness in nature.

Help children rebuild
Providing a local child with this experience will provide critical recourse to help children rebuild the social and emotional development they have lost, and enable them to have a real-life adventure fuelled by their endless imaginations.

How to Sponsor a Child

Just £25 will provide a day at camp for a child, including a packed lunch, snacks, drinks and transport to and from our woodland sites if needed.

Use the button below to sponsor a child today.
