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Spring is coming! Find out what's happening?

Spring Newsletter 2018

Keeping you updated about what's happening in Leek and Glossop over the coming months.

Festive Forest Experience finished the year off merrily!

Our 3 weekends of Festive Forest School came to an end on Sat 23rd December and what a success it was, we were almost fully booked with 155 out of 160 tickets sold. We all hope you and your little ones enjoyed it as much as we did?! For those who didn't attend, we will most definitely doing it again at the end of this year. Santa was a great hit ( and for those who didn't recognise him behind that bushy beard, it was Simon who helps out at our Junior Explorers sessions on Saturday mornings). There were craft activities, mulled wine, mince pies, toasting of marshmallows and a super story at the end sat around our fire circle. We will be thinking of doing this in Leek too.

  Since then we've been having a break from Forest School, resting up over the holiday period BUT now we are back planning and preparing for next term and oh we have lots in store for you...
Inside Out goes international!!
 At the end of February, Trudy and I are flying out to Pisa in Italy to facilitate some Forest School sessions over a period of days. We are going to be working with a large group of 2- 5 year old Italian children at 'Happy Days English Preschool and Language School'. Excited is an understatement!!  

 Leek Wildlife Watch and Campfire at Dusk
We are pleased to announce our first event for 2018, this will be kicking off on Sun Feb 4th in Pickwood (Ballington) Woods in Leek. It starts at 2.30pm till 4pm.
It's sure be an action packed late afternoon of toasting marshmallows around the fire, enjoying some campfire snacks whilst looking for clues on our woodland nature trail, crafts activities, hammock swinging and we'll finish off with a Forest School inspired story sat around our fire. Numbers are limited and bookings are already being taken (we are over half full!) book through our website: Adults £4, Children £3, family ticket £12, babes in arms are FREE

 'Little Explorers' groups to start back in March!
For pre-school children ideally aged 2 years and above. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Glossop - Friday 10-11.30am Dinting Cricket Club- starts on Fri 9th March.
Leek - Tuesday 10.30-12pm Pickwood (Ballington Woods) - Starts on Tues 6th March.

We will be running a FREE taster day in Leek on Pancake Day Feb 13th, come and join us for some pancake flipping around the fire and other forest inspired experiences. This is open to anyone who came to sessions in Leek last term too.

Prices will be £6 per child (sibling discount is £4) under 18months are FREE.
If you book a course of 8 sessions (out of the 10 available) via our online booking system you will pay  £5 a session and overall £40 rather than £48.00

Dates will be posted on our website and Facebook page very soon.

 Dates for your diary for school aged children
Sessions start dates
Junior Explorers starts back on Saturday 10th March at Dinting Cricket Club, Glossop.
This is from 10am -12pm, drop in price is £7 (siblings £5) or pre-book via our website and pay £6 per session (pay for 8 sessions out of the 10 available so this works out at £48 rather than £56).

Easter Camp

Easter Forest School 5 Day Camp - Glossop

Friday 23rd March
Monday 26th March
Tuesday 27th March
Wednesday 28th March
Thursday 29th March

Easter Forest School 3 Day Camp - Leek
Monday 9th April
Tuesday 10th April
Wednesday 11th April
(if this is popular we may put on more days??)

 and here are some 'One off' event days that we're planning:

Mon Bank holiday 7th May is 'National Dawn Chorus Day'- Join us at 6.30am at Dinting Cricket Club, Glossop and enjoy pancakes in your PJ's sat around our fire whilst being serenaded by those birds!

Tues June 5th - 'World Environment Day!'
Holiday Camp one off day! 9am-4 pm at Dinting Cricket Club, Glossop.
Forest School Parties
Why not give your child a party to remember? A party with a difference held in woodland, feasting around a campfire with a variety of themes to choose from. Bookings are being taken and we are already filling up our weekends for 2018.
See our party packages for more details.
