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Explore a World Without Walls...

Remember the summers spent climbing trees and skinning your knees as you scrambled back down? Making mud pies and special ‘perfumes’ from puddle water and petals? Then smeared with grass stains and sun-kissed faces, hearing your mum call you in knowing that tomorrow would be filled with many more exciting adventures. We want the same fond memories for our own children; long days of fresh air and games limited only by their imaginations. Even though we’re competing with free play whilst raising our kids in a digital age, when asked about what they think is important in their lives, playing and friends are usually at the top of a child’s list. 

Our Services

Our Summer Camps are a great way to develop new skills and make friends! All our workshops encourage people who love the outdoors to learn, discover and connect with their natural surroundings. Find out more...
Inside Out offers a wide range of Forest School sessions for young people. Content is tailored to meet the needs of a school’s curriculum, the age of the children, class size or any special needs. Find out more...
Inside Out Forest School parties can take place in our local woodland or your own back garden. Games, activities and themes can be tailored to each individual child to create a magical birthday celebration. Find out more...
Our sessions all take place in the freedom of open woodland to encourage imaginative play and confidence. We offer a range of activities for all ages from bushcraft activities to Saturday morning forest clubs. Find out more...
Inside Out Forest School is delighted to offer after school clubs to Charlesworth Primary School and All Saints in Leek. Please see here for more details and upcoming course dates. Find out more...
Develop your child's confidence and self-esteem through hands on experiences in our woodlands, helping them to become independent and creative learners. Find out more...
Our Woodland Wellbeing Days for education professionals include environmental art and crafts, bush craft, campfire cooking, foraging and mindfulness in nature. Find out more...
Our brand new Woodland Wellbeing sessions focus on the restorative nature of the woodland to foster inner wellbeing through peaceful and creative reflection. Find out more...

What people are saying about us... our holiday clubs

"Without doubt one of the highlights of the children's summer. A real life adventure, full of wonder and magic. Esther & team create memories that will stay with the children forever."
Laura, leek education

"Esther very ably balanced giving the children the freedom to explore the environment independently with ensuring they were safe. I would highly recommend Esther’s Forest Schools to everyone she encourages everyone to learn and grow as individuals in the space afforded by the outdoors. The children loved the sessions they had with Esther , they developed their confidence and self esteem."
Mrs Littlehailes from St.Lukes COE Primary

...and elsewhere

"Thank you so much to Esther and team for delivering a fantastic forest school skills afternoon to the students at The Manchester Hospital Schools. Students were guided through activities in a supportive environment which enabled all of our students, many with high anxiety to take part in every aspect of the afternoon. The activities stimulated social interactions between pupils who find this extremely challenging. We will 100% be having another event in the near future!"
Kieran Halliwell, Educational Visits Co-ordinator, Leo Kelly Centre

News and Articles

All Saints After School Club - Booking now open

Book onto our Leek Summer Camp! (Glossop camp is now Full)

Outdoor Activity First Aid 2 day course

Easter Camp

Gift Vouchers

Just For Dads Starts September

Home Ed Group Starts February

Thank You Sponsors!